How to type perfectly on keyboard in a right way

How to type perfectly on keyboard in a right way


Step 1.  

Before typing make your self comfortable.

Step 2. 

Take a comfortable chair that will keep your back straight that will help you to type for a long time.

Step 3.  

The fingers on your left hand should be placed over the A, S, D, and F keys and the fingers on your right hand should be placed over the J, K, L, and ; keys. 

Step 4. 

Use your thumb for space bar key.


How to keep finger on keyword.

The color-coded keyboard will help you to understand which finger should press each key.

  • Hit keys only with the finger for which they have been reserved.
  • came back to same position of your finger after typing any words "ASDF - JKL;".
  • Do not focus on speed keep typing without seeing keyboard that will make you habit and it will be automatically speed.

Note: once you start doing this do it regular because practice makes a man perfect.
